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Dude! This is pretty good! I'm just curious about how were you able to make it an downloadable app. I've tried that and I've searched for it, but I haven't found good sources. I'd be pleased to know about how did you do it

Hey - thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it :)

So to pack it into a desktop app, I used a tool called Electron alongside Electron Forge. It’s pretty straightforwards if you follow their documentation - you can see the super basic setup I did for electron in the main.js file of the GitHub repo, and the setup for electron forge in the package.json


Hey man! Awesome work the games great. I'm also using Kaboomjs, any advice on how to upload a kaboom game to itch? 

I tried but image assets didnt load properly...

Thanks for playing! Glad you had fun with it :)

Uploading this game was fairly straightforwards for me - I bundled the game using esbuild, then put the .js file that esbuild generated as a script inside of index.html. When you upload an in-browser game to itch, it’ll automatically find the index.html page and display that.

It’s hard to help your specific issue without more details. Are your assets loading locally, and only not working when you try to upload to itch? Where are your assets located? This game is open source, you can see the source code here if that helps - you can see my assets in the ‘public’ folder, which also contains the index.html

Nice! Yea it might be something to do with a public folder, my assets are here on my game page, its basically a html/javascript file bundled in ElectronJS.. It does load locally on a static server, and it works when you download it + run it. Its not notarized so you'll have to open it from system preferences on a Mac


Oh my god! I did the impossible lvl and it’s so much fun!!! I’m so, so, slow at typing but when I’m pressured with a little robot dying, I get SO anxious and woAH, I did it!! It’s SO FUN!! ^^ Thank you for this game!! ^^


That’s awesome! Impossible difficulty is pretty tough so big props on beating it :)

Glad you enjoyed the game!


Really highlights how rusty I am at typing, but it's a great concept executed very well!

Thank you so much! That really means a lot to me :)


Actually really fun :)


Thanks for playing!

(1 edit) (+1)


Very hard, but fun, very good job!

I can’t stop playing it

Thank you! I’m glad you’re having fun with it :)